Friday, February 4, 2011

That guy from The Hangover showed up

Kinda weird.....................

Nice to be famous.

Well momma and Audrey are great.  Sara was able to get disconnected from all the government wiretaps they had on her.  I just hope they didnt get all our secrets, I took anti spy measures before we came in, but I forgot the tinfoil hat.  Its the most important thing to.  I hope they dont find all my saved jars.  She got to shower and even put on some make up and did her hair!  We should be coming home Sunday.  If anyone wants to visit us in the hospital we are at University in Room 323.  You are more than welcome to come by the house as well.  
 DO NOT COME SEE US UNTIL YOU ARE NOT SICK!!!!!  My attack lab (Stoney) will not let you in, he is trained in the art of identifying sick people.

Some more pictures.  I will get some more videos after we get home.  No much going on here but breast feeding and sleeping.  Sara will not let me post and feeding pictures.  I dont know why, I mean its all about Audrey now not us.  

There will be more pictures in the "Audrey" tab than the post after we get home too.  But you can always click on the pictures at the bottom of the blog and go directly to out public Picasa site.



1 comment:

Ryan Early said...

Nice football hold on Audrey. That's so you can stiffarm any potential babysnatchers, eh?