Friday, May 11, 2012

15 Months

A lot of people have been telling me recently that this is the most fun age.  I'm starting to agree.  Here's why... I feel like Audrey understands so much more now.  I can ask her to get something and she does.  Or ask her to say something or do it and she does.  It's amazing what she already knows.  I can say, "Audrey what does a monkey say?" and she will do her monkey "ooo oo ah ah" and put her hands under her armpits haha.  She also will give a kiss, blow a kiss, say hi and byebye, and sit down or stand up just by asking.  Her vocabulary is growing and she says: mama, dada, hi, bye, ball, up.  Some other words like cat and dog are hit or miss.  We spend a lot of time reading books, mAuaking animal noises, practicing dance moves, building blocks, and playing with various other toys.  She loves to go outside and play too.  She's so happy and easy going.  I'm sure the next one will be a terror haha. 

We went to Audrey's well visit today.  She weighed in at 18 lbs 10 oz.  She gained 1.5 lbs from her last appointment which is good, but she's still only at the 3rd percentile.  The doc just wants us to give her more fat and suggested milkshakes (really?) and Pediasure (on the fence about this).  Since I was her size at that age, he isn't concerned enough to do any testing right now.  She is 28.5 inches long which is 5-10th percentile and her noggin is at the 25th percentile.  He found a double ear infection so we will be back on Amox for 10 days.  She's had ear infections at her 9, 12, and now 15th appts.  UGH!  She had her MMR and chicken pox vaccines and is doing well so far.  Poor babe!

Audrey has got some major teeth action going on.  She has more teeth coming in than I can count... seriously, probably 5-6 all at once and that includes molars!  She's been addicted to her papis which is not the norm, but it's hard to take them away when I know she hurts.  So I'm being a softy and letting her use them whenever.

Thankfully, she's doing a little better with eating.  She still drinks the same amount of milk.  I still give her a smoothie that I make in the evenings.  I've been adding rice cereal for iron and other sources of protein in addition to the yogurt such as tofu and even hard boiled egg yolk!  Yikes!  I use a variety of fruits and veggies and she likes them.
She seems to be eating bigger quantities and is willing to try more.  If I ask her to take a bite, she usually will.  She even likes more things too!  She's been digging cheerios in milk, strawberries, turkey, pepperoni, baked potato and sweet potato fries that she dips in ketchup, PB on crackers.  She still loves all carby snack foods.  But she so far doesn't like sweets.  She's tried chocolate chip cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and muffins and she doesn't like any of them!  Weirdo!  I'm doubting if we are related now...

See ya next month!

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