Friday, January 6, 2012

11 Months Old!

How can our sweet baby be 1 year old in just a month?  This year has really gone by way too fast.  I can't believe she will soon be a toddler, and not a baby.  Although, she will always be my baby... 2 months old or 20 years old.  We had a busy month.  Audrey celebrated Daddy's 30th birthday which we did with a small bash at our house.  We had lots of family and friends come (locally and afar) and Paul cooked lots and lots of bbq and chicken on his Big Green Egg.  It was a great time all around.  1 week later, Audrey celebrated her first Christmas.  We went to NC 3 days before Christmas to see most of our family.  Audrey got lots of gifts including a mini rocking chair, a red wagon, a baby doll, clothes, toys, books, and a push toy.  She loves to push her dino around and walk behind it.  She can also ride on it and loves for us to push her.  We came home on Christmas Eve and celebrated Christmas at home the next day.  We kept our gifts low key and gave her a red car/buggy that she sits in and we push, and 2 recordable books, 1 from each of us.  She got a few stocking stuffers as well.  By the end of it, she was starting to get the hang of ripping paper.  Audrey then spent New Years Eve with Paul's dad and Bunchie and celebrated Christmas there as well.  We were so glad to get to see everyone!

Here are some unofficial stats:
Weight:  Just shy of 17 lbs
Height:  not sure
Diapers:  size 3
Clothes:  9-12 months
She's just a little peanut!

Food:  She still nurses 5x/day on weekends, and 2x/day during the week.  At daycare, she gets 3, 6 oz bottles of BM.  We will soon start the transition to whole milk.  My pumping days are coming to an end.  Thank God!  I will miss nursing but not pumping!  Audrey eats prunes and oatmeal for breakfast, drinks water out her sippy, snacks on puffs, cheerios, shredded cheese, yogurt melts, and veggie sticks.  She eats baby food for each meal and is digging the pouches, which is good since they combine a fruit and a veggie.  I try to introduce new foods to her and she is not a big fan or trying things haha.  We are just being persistent.  She'll give in eventually.

Audrey can pull up on anything.  She has also stood independently for a couple seconds.  She walks around with her push toy.  She still says bye bye to everyone and has occasionally said other words (dada, mama, baba).  Byebye is definitely her signature word right now.  She has started pointing to things she wants which is so sweet and cute.  She likes to play shy to strangers but ends up loving everyone.  Audrey dances (bops up and down), claps, squeals, laughs all day long.  She loves stuffed animals and her baby doll.  She gives them hugs, pats, and kisses all the time.  Audrey started taking "big girl" baths and really loves spending time in there.  Basically, she's a ton of fun.  I can't get enough of her.

So, here I am planning her 1st birthday.  :(  :)  See ya next month when I write the 1 year post!


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