Sunday, February 13, 2011

When you love money, it will love you back.

Some people view me as resourceful and frugal, while others might view me as "tight" or "over-the-top".  My saving and spending habits are habitual (Bushism).  There are small steps that ensure every little penny will be saved.  Example; shutting off the pilot light to the furnace in the summer time.  I am sure I saved atleast fifty dollars.  Yes, it is a little aggravating when the outside temp is 35 degrees and the heater is blowing 55 degree air in the house because you forgot to turn the pilot light back on, but it took Sara four nights to realize something was wrong, well worth the money saved.  Example 2; saving salsa jars, mayo jars, cheese dip jars, etc.  Those things come in handy when you need something to put nails or screws in, or change. 

Those are a couple of small steps I take to save a little money.  If there are any mommas reading this, then thank Sara for the next little bit of info.!!!! We have bought a ton of stuff from there and it has been a  life saver.  Sara bough 84 diapers for a little more than 3 DOLLARS.  That was with a coupon, which she gets one about every week.  It also offers free two day shipping if you spend a certain amount ever month.  Amazon is you friend.  We have yet to have any problem with Amazon and we have saved a lot of money!

Well I hope this helps someone.  A few more little tips that might just save you a penny or two.  Do not let your gas tank get less than half, you get better fuel mileage on the first half.  Plus you might get stuck in traffic at the most inopportune time, and you will run out.  Use candles at night instead of lights, you dont need much light to walk around or watch TV, light one up, it will give you plenty of light.............. Still working on this one with Sara.

I hope I have enlightened your lives today.  Remember, "You only have as much money as you don't spend". 


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