Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good Morning and hello kitty........

Uneventful night.  I have slept on rocks softer and more comfortable than this thing.  Sara got some meds to help her sleep, besides having to pee every 27 minutes, she got a little sleep.  She snored like a grown gorilla though.
   They just started the pitocin.  From what I have heard, thats like telling 42 NASCAR drivers to start their engines.    She is still only fingertip dilated, no progress so far. 
  No new pictures as of now, nothing has really changed since the ones i posted last night.  Sara is still in a hospital gown, hair is in remarkable shape and she is just lying in bed.  She is a little nervous now, I suppose she has heard some bad stories about pitocin.  I would not expect too many pictures until after the baby is born, but I will update as much as possible. 

  On the menu for breakfast will be chik fil a, cheetos, gold fish, and maybe something from the cafeteria if i go down there.  Just not sure I want to test the food market not knowing how sensitive my vomit trip wire is..

A good morning to live your life by------ "Its hard trying without knowing, but it is harder knowing without knowing."



Laurie Calder-Green said...

Wish I were there :-(
Have a great adventure, beginning today!

Leila said...

Let the fun begin!

Unknown said...

I didn't even know you guys were going to have a baby!!! Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures! Good luck and don't worry about the Pitocin. I had it with Kelly and everything turned out just fine. Love you guys.

Aunt Sandy