How exactly is my baby girl 2 YEARS OLD?? She is so much fun... a little chatterbox and I love it. Here's what's going on with the big girl.
Stats: We just had her 2 year old well visit on the 8th. She weighed in at 22 lbs (5th percentile), 32 inches (10th). Her head is 18 inches I think and in the 25th percentile. She didn't have any shots this time and so the appointment was relatively uneventful, except for the fact that she has an ear infection in the left ear. 5 days of antibiotics and it cleared up.
The day before this appointment, she began the first of what would be 5 days of diarrhea. All day, every day. She was a trooper though, despite not wanting to eat and clearly not feeling good.
The next day, the 9th, was Audrey's birthday party! It was an Ariel theme because that was her first Disney princess doll (it goes in the bath with her) and she fell in love. A few of her friends came and she had a great time with everyone. She played, blew out her 2 candles by herself, and ate a whole piece of cake. She even sat through all the present opening too!
Like I said, Audrey is such a chatterbox! She knows evryones names (mommy, daddy, Stoney, Missy Jane, Brutus, Nana, Papa, Lala (Leila), Ryan, Andrew, Eli, Connor, Baby Gemma (Emma), Oma, DenDen, Mimi, Emmy (Emily), and Hannah. She knows her friends names too... Feerah (safeerah), Evin (evelyn), Brennan are her faves. She is a little bossy (where on earth did she get that from? ha) and loves to say "___ a mear (come here)!" She loves to say "hold you." when she wants to be picked up and carried. She tilts her head to one side and nods it when she's telling me something serious like "brutus night night or seeping(sleeping)" or "stoney outside poo poo." It's so sweet. She has soooo many words, I could never begin to even count them.
She still goes to daycare 4 days a week and moved up to the 2 year old room a few weeks ago. It seems to be a harder transition for her than I expected but she's hanging in there. The teachers did tell me recently that she doesn't talk to them which blew my mind. Hopefully, she warms up a little more once she gets her bearings. She's home with me 3 days and Paul as well, depending on which schedule he's on for part of that time. She naps 2.5-3 hours and still sleeps 12 hours at night. Her pickiness is still present but she is eating better. I feel like I'm constantly learning (and criticizing myself) for what works best for her. She is still drinking whole milk and I have no intention of changing her anytime soon. We have a list of things that Audrey will eat such as grilled cheese, quesadillas, pepperoni, salami, bacon, cheese, cereals, fruits. It's a constant work in progress.
Audrey and I do parent/tot gymnastics classes every Thursday after work/daycare which she loves. We started around September and it's such a great time! I would love if she continued with gymnastics!
Audrey is such a girl. She loves her Disney princesses and her babydolls. She still loves doing puzzles and reading books. Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
2 things that are in our future. 1. getting rid of the papis. They stay in the crib with the exception being long car rides. She still loves them so much! 2. Potty training. We have a potty. She talks about it and has even sat on it, but we haven't started training yet. Her parents need to get mentally prepared for both of these things.
Audrey brings so much joy and excitement. I look forward to picking her up from school every single day. She's not perfect and she sure does know what time out is, but she's so sweet and silly! She loves being goofy and silly.. she cracks me up. She gets more fun every day.
Last 2 things. 1. We are going to Disney World on Thursday!! CANNOT WAIT! 2. When we say GO!, she says HEELS! THAT'S MY GIRL!!!
1 comment:
She sounds SO much like my Aubrey( they even have similar names!). 2 is such a fun age minus the tantrums! Have a great time at Disney! You guys are going to have a blast!
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