Monday, March 5, 2012

13 Months Old!

Our little toddler (!) is 13 months old!  It's strange that she's not considered a baby anymore.  I'm positive she is still my baby though!
A little update on dr. visits.  On day 9 of her 10 day antibiotic, daycare called and said she had white spots  on her lips and was fussy.  Paul called the dr office and they wanted to see her.  Luckily, Paul was able to leave work b/c I was stuck.  It was a day that my whole afternoon was evals and there was no one to do them but me.  So, Paul took her in and she was diagnosed with thrush.  It's a side effect of antibiotics so that explains where it came from.  It's kind of funny b/c thrush is one of those things that I thought we had escaped since we never had it during the whole year of breastfeeding!  Oh well!  Luckily, it's easily treatable with an anti-fungal topical medicine.  Audrey's cleared up in about 3 days.  While she was there, the dr checked her ears and they were clear of infection!  Yay!  Also, she was weighed and he was pleased with her weight gain of about 4 oz.  He cleared us to not have to come back in until her 15 month well visit.

13 Month Stats:
Weight:  Around 18 lbs  (wondering if she'll ever hit 20 lbs!?)
Diapers:  Size 3
Clothes:  Anything from 9 month to 18 month

Food:  Audrey is 100% weaned.  She stopped breastfeeding right at the 1 year mark.  She is fully on whole cow's milk which she takes out of a bottle.  I intend to get her on sippies for milk soon.  She has been drinking water and diluted juice of sippies for many months now.  She seems to prefer the bottle warmed.  She takes 3 bottles, 6 oz each.
-Solids:  Still SLOW going, but I think we are doing better.  Here's a list of what she will eat:  waffles, french toast sticks, chunks of cheese, grilled cheese, oatmeal, purees, lil crunchies, cheerios, puffs, bites of banana, yogurt and fruit melts, cereal bars, smoothies.  Smoothies are the new thing I'm doing to get her some nutrition, especially protein.  She's not big into meat so she has to get it elsewhere.  My latest smoothie is: pureed strawberry, blueberry, and cauliflower (all fresh), combined with whole milk plain yogurt, and honey.  I've done carrots in them as well.  Foods she throws on the ground:  Everything else!  Being persistent is all we can do right now.  I'm not going to lie... it's hard somedays when your child won't eat, but you know she needs/wants to.  Some days I just stand there and think, "what do I give her now?" since I feel like I've tried everything.  We are just being patient... ok trying to be!

-Audrey loves to stand independently from a seated position.  She has taken steps... up to 5 on her own as well!  Her favorite thing is when Paul and I sit across from each other on the floor and she walks back and forth between us.  She always give us a hug when she gets to us!  So sweet!

-She's trying to say cat, dog, mama, dada, duck and is getting pretty good at all of these.  She can point to these things when asked as well!  She still says byebye.

-She loves to clap and of course wave hi and bye! 

-She loves skyping with nana and papa!  We've done it so often and she really gets it!  She lights up and smiles and laughs with them.

-Audrey is such an animal lover.  She wants to be with Stoney, Missy and Brutus whenever she sees them!  They *sometimes* let her pet/pat them :-)

-She's such a POINTER.  She points to EVERYTHING and says "Dat? Dat?"  It's so cute.  When we get her up from a nap, the second she sees us, she points at everything in her room that she wants haha!

-She sleeps great still... 12 hours at night.  2 naps on the wknds (Fri-Sun) that last about 1.5-2 hrs each.  Napping at daycare is NONEXISTENT!  I'm so ready for her to move up to the toddler room so she can have scheduled naps!  Who the hell can nap in a small room with the lights on and a bunch of crying babies?!?!?

-Audrey has 3 teeth.  They came in in this order:  bottom left, bottom right, top left incisor.  No front teeth yet!

-She loves to put things up to her ear.  Her play phone, my cell phone and her music players.  It's so sassy.. I love it.

-Her hair is getting fuller (thicker), longer, and curlier!  It's also this gorgeous shade of dirty blonde.  I seriously want to take her to my hairdresser and say, "make me that color!"   She is in no need of a haircut yet and luckily it doesn't get in her eyes.  So putting a bow in it is for cuteness only :)

-She is such a busy body.  No sitting still!  She's crawling, climbing, playing, demanding your attention, chasing an animal, trying to walk, pointing at things, squealing, laughing, etc.  She does not stop until naptime.  She sits in her high chair for meals b/c it's a good habit for her, but after about 15 min she loses interest.  She has better things to do!!

Until next month!


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