Monday, February 6, 2012


This is more of a reminder post for me since these blog posts are what make up her baby book, so sorry if this doesn't interest you!  Audrey got her 1st tooth at 10.5 months.  It was her bottom left.  2 weeks ago (so at 11.5 months) she got bottom right.  Today, the top left incisor tooth came in and the matching one on the right is not too far behind it!  We're getting there! 

Also, I talked briefly with Audrey's daycare teachers and the director about her moving to the toddler room.  What I learned is the "rules" for the toddler room are:  1. No bottles (we just transitioned to all bottles since I've been weaning.  She's been drinking water out of a sippy for 3+ months.  I'll worry about getting rid of the bottle after we are weaned)  2.  No pacis (She still uses them in the car at while sleeping.)  3.  Walking well (Nope!  Except walking behind toys) 4.  Eating table food.  They eat meals cooked at daycare.  Clearly, she isn't ready yet.  However, luckily, they are totally agreeable to working on a transition in terms of the food.  I can look at the daycare menu and then request they she get lunch any day I want.  We talked about trying this soon since she's been taking awhile to adjust to new food ;)

Ok, that's all!


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