We had our 9 month well visit. Audrey had Hep B and flu shots which she handled well. It was also discovered she has an ear infection and is now on antibiotics. She HATES getting her ears checked. It was the worst part of the visit. I wasn't too surprised she had an ear infection since she had already started with a cold and 2 babies in daycare had ear infections. That's just how it goes in daycare.
Anyways, here are Audrey's official stats
Weight: 16 lbs 3 oz (10th percentile)
Height: 25 3/4 inches (10th percentile)
Head: 17 inches (25th percentile)
Conclusion: She's a little peanut. But nothing to worry about. You've met her mama, right?
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 9 month
Milestones: So many!! Crawling on all 4's and she gets faster and faster everyday. She's building up endurance too. It's hard work crawling and when she follows me down the hall, she often has to sit and take a break ;) She also goes from lying down to sitting to crawling easily. She can pull up, usually to her knees, but once or twice all the way to stand. She loves to pull up on anything. We have some figuring out to do about keeping her safe in the family room. Our current method is watching her like a hawk. She can also play ball by rolling a ball with me. So cute! She can wave and say "byebye." She does this a lot since her daycare teachers really encourage it. It's so sweet. She also says "ba" for ball and "mama."
Schedule: She sleeps about 11-12 hours a night. 11 hours during the week (only b/c I have to wake her up in the mornings) and 12 or more on the weekends. She puts herself to sleep very well and always goes down awake. Best thing I ever did and I should have started that way earlier. She's been going down awake for about 2-3 months now. She naps 2 times a day, around 10 and 2. She needs those naps. Often they last 2 hours. Playing just wears her out! By the way, her naps at daycare still suck. It's so frustrating for me, but there's nothing that can be done about it. Babies are loud and scream and cry and she gets woken up.
Eating: Audrey is just not a huge eater. I mean, dont' get me wrong, when she's hungry, she's hungry and she expects to be fed immediately, but still, it doesn't take much to fill her up. She eats 3 solids a day (we're still on stage 2 foods, oatmeal, and puffs). We're working on the sippy cup still but it's more of a toy. She still breastfeeds twice a day during the week, and 5-7 times on the weekends. She gets 3, 6 oz bottles of breastmilk at daycare.
These 9 months have gone by way too fast. I'm soaking it all in, but I want it to slow down. I'm not ready for her to be 1 year old soon! She is such a joy to be around. She lights up the room and smiles so big at everyone she sees. She still lets us cuddle her and play with her and kiss her to death. I'm loving every minute.
Until next month,
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