Friday, October 7, 2011

8 Months Old!

Audrey turned 8 months old on the 3rd!  Sorry this is a little late, I just haven't had any time until now!  We had a great month.  Audrey went up to NC for her 1st Carolina football game.  We also visited with lots of family.  We started by seeing Aunt Emily at her new job at Elon.  It was fun to go back to Elon... I have not been back since I graduated 4 years ago.  Things have really changed on campus as it keeps growing and growing.  Emily got to show us around and spend a little time showing off her cute niece :)  Then, we dropped Stoney off at Paul's mom's house for the weekend as they were gracious enough to babysit him, and went to Raleigh to visit Jen, Dave, and their new addition Mr. Colby.  It was so great to meet him and see our good friends.  From there, we went to Durham to see Aunt Leila, Uncle Ryan, and Connor.  My dad and Andrew came as well and we all went out to eat at Lone Star.  Oh man, Lone Star is awesome.  After dinner, it was late and AJ was pooped.  We went to Mimi's and called it a night.  The next day, we hung out at Mimis and tried to keep Audrey's schedule as normal as possible.  Then Paul, AJ, and I boarded the Tarheel Express and went to the game.  It was cold and misty, but she did amazing.  She flirted with every single person she could.  She looks at people until she catches their eye, and then smiles and babbles at them.  We made it the entire game and headed back to Mimis (Tarheels won by the way!).  The next day, we went to Paul's mom's restaurant, had delicious food, and headed home.  It was a fun weekend!

The next weekend, my parents came to visit.  I won't give the play by play but they got to spend lots of quality time with Audrey which was great.

Then the following Thursday, Paul, Audrey and I headed on our vacation for the year to Myrtle Beach.  We had great warm weather on Thursday and Friday.  We spend a lot of time in the pool and lazy river.  Audrey even got her own float.  She loves the water.  We also went on the beach and let her feel the sand and ocean water (which was cold!).  On Saturday, we went outlet shopping and did a little pool time although it was a little on the colder side that day.  We ate LOTS of great seafood and had a nice, relaxing, weekend away.

Back to Audrey... She doesn't see the pediatrician until next month, so here are some unofficial stats:
Weight:  ~16 lbs
Height:  24-25 inches
Diapers:  Size 3
Clothes:  She can still fit in 6 month, but not for much longer.  She's now wearing a lot of 9 month.

Milestones:  Audrey is eating very well.  Stage 2 purees, 2-3 times per day.  We do oatmeal and a fruit for breakfast, a fruit or veg at daycare, and a fruit and veg combo for dinner.  She just started puffs too which she likes.  She plays with her sippy cup but has not mastered drinking from it yet.  She SCOOTS around on her belly.  Pretty much an army crawl.  She gets up on all 4s and rocks, but hasn't mastered true crawling yet.  Now she does love to stand and play especially at her activity table.  She is starting to pull up from sitting to standing as well.  One of the cutest things she is doing now is waving bye bye.  It's not consistent, but she's done it many times.  It's so cute.  Audrey loves getting into anything.  We have to hide things from her, especially our phones and the remote.  If it's not hers, she wants it.  Haha. 

Daily Routine:  Audrey naps much better.  Her routine is, wake up (at 6:15 during the week, later on weekends), eat oatmeal/fruit, nurse, play, then after being awake 2 hours, takes a nap for about 1 hour, wake up nurse, play for the same amount of time, then another 1 hour nap.   She usually ends up with 3, 1 hour naps a day and goes to bed by 7 or 7:30.  Thankfully, she continues to sleep through the night.  She's a pro at finding her paci during the night.

October brings more fun including all things fall, more football, carving pumpkins, Halloween, eggtoberfest (for Paul, don't ask, haha), and Connor's 2nd birthday party.

Audrey is such a happy, smiling, sweet, loving baby.  Her excitement, smiles, and giggles amaze me.  I love her so much.   It's hard every single day for me to leave her to go to work.  I'm so thankful for my 3 day weekends and for getting to pick up a happy baby from daycare each day.

See ya next month!


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