Wednesday, June 15, 2011

4 (and a half) Month Check Up

Audrey had her 4 month check up today with Dr. Collins.  We are about 2 weeks behind which each of these appointments, so here are her 4 1/2 month stats.
Weight:  13 lbs (25% percentile)
Height:  24 1/2 inches (50% percentile)
Head:  15 3/4 inches (25% percentile)

She had 2 shots (1 in each leg) and an oral vaccine.  She cried a little, but overall did amazingly well and went about her day smiling and being a cutie.  Daddy held her during the shots and he did a great job.  He kept reminding the nurse to not stick him with the needle by accident haha. 

Dr. Collins ok'd delaying solids to 6 months if we want since she is exclusively breastfed and gaining weight well.  I think we'll practice with rice cereal in her 5th month and then move on to purees at 6 months.  We plan to make our own baby food which I'm excited about, but at the same time, I'm in no rush to add that task to my list.

We have a fun weekend coming up... Nana and Papa are coming to visit!  We're sure to have a great time!

That's all for now!

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