Audrey will be
3 months old on Tuesday. I'm writing this a little early because the downside of her being 3 months old is that my maternity leave has come to an end and I return to work on Monday. I anticipate having no energy this week so I won't be doing any blogging.
Audrey is still a wonderful baby. She brings us so much joy. Being a mom is the best thing in the world, Truly... Monday is going to be a rough day. In 3 months, I have not been apart from her for more than 3 hours. So yeah, I'm dreading this week. She did a trial run at daycare on Friday. My worries/anxiety were lessened some and she did well with the teachers. She napped, played, and took a bottle while she was there for 2 hours. She did great... and I did okay... although after 2 hours I was READY to go pick her up. So, here's what 3 months looks like...
Unofficial Stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 9 oz
Height: 23 inches
Wearing size 1 diapers, but moving to size 2 this week. Wearing 6 month clothes and still some 0 to 3. Although I am packing away more and more every week. Sigh.
Things for me to remember:
(skip to the bottom if you just want to see pics :) )
- Audrey is now reaching for toys and bringing them towards her mouth. She also can help hold the paci in her mouth.
- She loves her play gym and gets really excited and flaps her arms and legs. It's her little dance.
- She makes eye contact all the time. She definitely knows who Mom and Dad are.
- She squeals, squeaks, and coos a lot. She smiles all the time! Except when I try to take a picture or video... she stops and just stares at it... haha. Her favorite is to have a conversation where I talk and she coos and smiles. Best part of the day.
- She eats every 2 hours during the day, plays for about 45 minutes, naps for 30-45 minutes and then repeats.
- She loves to sit on our laps or in her Bumbo. She can stay in her Bumbo for over 10 min.
- She can bear weight on her legs and stand with us supporting her upper body for about a minute.
- She props up on her elbows during tummy time and is getting very close to rolling.
- She's not a big fan of her car seat and still cries in the car (unless someone sits back there with her), but does great in her Bjorn in stores and in restaurants.
- She loves being outside... we go out a lot to walk, sit in the rocking chairs, or play on the ground.
- She sleeps 10-11 hours at night. She often sleeps this long uninterrupted, but sometimes wakes up once to eat. We still swaddle her.
Meeting the Easter Bunny April 23, 2011 |
Is there something on my dress? |
Mom, you are boring me. I'm going to eat my hand. |
Sticking my tongue out |
There's a little smile. |
Tummy time is hard work! |
I'm getting so big! |
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