Audrey is 7 weeks old today! I weighed her on our scale yesterday and she is 10 pounds! I can't believe it. Paul & I tried to measure her length , but we weren't sure if you go from top of the head to the tips of her toes or to her heels. To her heels, she is 20 inches. Her cheeks are much much fuller ... squeezable now :) She's got a couple of rolls on her upper thighs and upper arms and an adorable double chin. Her eyelashes are growing longer, but her hair is receding on both sides. I hope she doesn't lose too much! The back of her head still has plenty of wild hair. It curls when wet but is mostly straight when dry. She is a smiling girl now too. I'm just in love with her smiles. She does it a lot on her changing table, but also during playtime. Paul and I go nuts when we get those smiles and coos.
Audrey is still playing in her gym, but is also enjoying her Play and Learn Puppy that Uncle Andrew gave her. I make it sing and talk while she's on the changing table and she gives lots of squeaks and smiles. We do some reading too, but she's not that into it yet. Her head control is still doing good. She holds her head up on her own when held. I've put her in the Bumbo seat for the past few days and she can sit in that for a couple of minutes. Then her head starts to bob and I know that's the end of that. She still loves looking at faces and the ceiling fan. No one will ever replace the ceiling fan. She kicks her legs like crazy and loves to move her arms and hands. Stretching is her specialty. She grabs her hands too.
I have to admit that I love dressing her up in cute outfits. Having a girl is so much fun. We try on different clothes and I put bows in her hair. Love it. She likes her paci (or papi as Paul calls it) more now... only the Soothie kind. But she can't keep it in for very long. She doesn't get too upset when it falls out and we don't even use it at night at all right now. Overall, she is a very happy baby. Her main complaints in life are gas (she grunts so hard when she's trying to fart... Mylicon helps though thank goodness) & being hungry. She does like to whine sometimes so that I'll snuggle her. I don't mind at all though :) We always swaddle at night, but lately miss priss as been busting out. So last night, we did the escape proof swaddle (look it up on YouTube). It was amazing... I'm a total believer. She slept 8.5 hours, woke up to eat, and then slept another 2 hrs. AMAZING. I know it may not last, we go through good and better nights, but I love it when she sleeps that long! It makes EVERYONE feel better! I know that no one other than Paul & I care about all these details I just gave. Honestly, I mostly did it so I can look back and remember!
Ok, I'm done now :)
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