Friday, August 19, 2011

6 (and a half) Month Check Up

We had our 6 month check up today.  All went well.  Baby girl got a shot in each leg and an oral vaccine.  She cried for maybe 20 seconds and then was fine!  We discussed the progression of her eating baby foods.  Dr. Collins wants us to do 3 solid meals a day.  I think we'll aim for 2 right now.  Audrey has eaten and enjoyed carrots and butternut squash so far!  Such a big girl!  We also talked about  introducing a sippy cup soon, with the goal of transitioning by 1 year.  He explained the process of weaning over these next 6 months.  I think I'm going to have a harder time with that than Audrey! 

6 (and a half) month stats:

Weight:  14 lbs 13 oz  (25% percentile)
Height:  25 inches (10-25% percentile)
Head:  16.5 inches (25% percentile)

We've got ourselves a little peanut!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

6 Months Old!

First off, sorry for the delay in this post!  Second, I can't believe I have a 6 month old.  Where did the time go?  I seriously had to look through all my pictures on facebook to even remember what Audrey was like as a newborn.  It's gone by so quickly, but at the same time it's hard to remember some things.  Thank goodness I do these monthly posts.  It benefits me more than anyone else I'm fairly certain.

6 Month Stats: 
  • I'm going to defer to our 6 month appointment which is on the 19th.  Yes, she'll be 6 1/2 months by then.  Just as a rough estimate, I believe she is just shy of 15 lbs.
  • Clothes:  6 months.  She can wear 6-9 dresses too.
  • Diapers:  Pampers size 3

What Audrey's been up to:
  • Rolly polly.  She loves to roll.  Both ways now.  We do LOTS of floor time and she can log roll across the family room.  She also does lots of rolling in the crib now which has led to...
  • No more swaddle.  She started rolling to her tummy while swaddled then getting stuck!  You are at a pretty big disadvantage trying to roll belly to back without arms to help.  So she would cry.  That meant, time to get rid of the swaddle.  I wasn't ready, and neither was Audrey.  We weaned to 1 arm out then to a sleep sack.  Now we are just wearing footed pajamas and no sleep sack.
  • Babbling!  The girls loves to talk.  In fact, she's doing it right now to her toys.
  • Lots of smiles and laughs.  And now hugs and kisses.  She will lean into a kiss from mommy!  I LOVE it.  She also reaches for me when I pick her up, especially when I pick her up from daycare.
  • Sitting!  She can sit unsupported and play with toys!  She reaches for toys and moves them from hand to hand and of course to her mouth.  Everything goes in the mouth!
  • She hasn't figured out how to crawl.  She gets on her stomach and pushes up on straight arms.  You can tell she wants to move, but just doesn't know how.  It's ok, I'm in no rush.  I have no clue how to "baby proof" this house anyways.
  • She still loves to stand and bears weight well.
  • Food:  Oh goodness.  This girl has been slow to accept solid food.  She flat out refused every attempt for the past month.  We finally had success with rice cereal 2 days ago.  We will slowly add in fruits and veggies now.  I'm hoping next month I'll be writing about all the foods she's eaten!
  • Sleep:  It's been hit or miss.  She's clearly more aware of her environment and that can lead to middle of the night awakenings.  The past 3 nights have been wonderful.  The 3 nights before that were awful.  So, it's a toss up.  Oh, and letting her cry for more than a minute or 2?  No thanks.   She's still not much of a napper.  We go 30 min to 1 hour at best, usually about 3-4 a day.
  • She's a social butterfly.  She was held by probably 20 or more people last weekend at the golf tournament and she smiled, laughed, and babbled to all of them.  She is such a good sport.
I'm loving her personality coming out more and more.  I love that she lights up with both Paul and I and that she loves to cuddle.  Don't grow up into a mean teenager, Audrey!

I'll post after her doctor's appointment.  We also did 6 month professional pictures yesterday so I'll post those when we get them.

Check out facebook for pics!