Happy 14 Months, Audrey! Also, happy Easter!! Another month has come and gone and it's time for a monthly update. I'm not sure how long I'll do these, I guess as long as there are things to say and as long as I still enjoy writing them. :-)
This past month included a visit from Nana and Papa and celebrating with DenDen at his 60th Birthday party. The weather warmed up reallllly quickly and now has gone back to being more spring like. We are enjoying lots of time outside, especially since Paul has given us so much to enjoy! He's worked hard at our back patio and with all the landscaping. It looks great!
Yesterday, we did a Easter egg hunt in our front yard. Paul put out the eggs and we showed Audrey to pick it up and put it in her basket. After that, she was a pro. She found every egg and put it in her basket. Then, we sat down on the grass and opened the eggs to see what was inside. She was excited to find goldfish, cheerios, and fruit/veg melts!
Milestones/Interests: Walking everywhere inside and outside. Turning circles. Mimicking us (clapping, shaking her head, etc). She's learned to climb on her chairs and off the couch. Tries to put on her shoes and it's so cute to watch. Really into books. She'll bring me a book and come sit on my lap. She loves to turn the pages and point to things. We are working on learning animals and sounds. Building blocks as in the big legos... I didn't know if she was old enough but she really is! She can build a tower by herself and take it all apart. She is also learning how to work her shape sorter. She loves her Micky Mouse music player and will keep changing the song until she finds one she likes, then hold it up to her ear, and dance! She is quite the dancer! She also loves to put her toy phones and our cell phones up to her ear. We are sprouting lots of teeth. She got 3 top teeth all at once... 2 front teeth and then right incisor. So she now has 6 total. I think I'm feeling a molar coming through too, yikes. Audrey is good at brushing her teeth and will open her mouth and/or "help" us do it.
Schedule: Wakes up around 6:30 during the week and as late as 8 during the weekends. Takes 2 naps around 10 and 2, each for about 1.5 hrs. She doesn't nap well at daycare. She is about to transition to the 1 year old toddler room and they do a scheduled nap so I'm hoping that she gets into that routine well! She goes to bed by around 7 and sleeps through.
Food: She's a good milk drinker. She drinks 3 sippies of milk a day for about 18 oz total. She's a picky eater still. She examines food and decides if she'll eat it based on appearance and feel... oy!!! The list of foods she eats is much shorter than the list of foods we've tried and she won't eat: bananas (doing better, still hit or miss), grilled cheese, peanut butter on crackers, baked potato fries, cheese cubes, cheerios, waffles, goldfish, pretzels, fruit/veg melts, dried fruit. She still eats purees to help get her nutrition in.
Audrey has such a great temperament. She is so happy 99% of the time! She's really become more and more active and independent and it's fun to watch. We love you, baby girl!!